However, I did go in to the summer with excitement and was ready for something different and new. I was ready to meet new friends, build relationships, and grow in my own personal life. All of which I did.
I distinctly remember sitting with some of the other staff members within the first week of camp and talking about how great the staff seemed and how lovely the camp director and his wife were. I was really excited and the staff at Echo Lake were wonderful. I loved watching them grow as the summer progressed.
One thing I loved about this summer was the surprises. Ok, ask me 6 months ago how I feel about surprises and I would tell you I dislike them immensely. For the most part was tired of having new things. I was ready for the old. So much of me wanted to go back to my high school self where I was confident in who I was, what I was doing, my friends, and my health. My world was 'good'. I would think that for a spilt second and then realize how much I had changed in the last year and how much I had learned about myself, my friends and my future. I do hesitate to say 'I wouldn't take it back for the world,' but I don't think I would trade all of this learning for an easy, 'same old' life style I was living.
But back to surprises:
1. One thing I loved happened on one of the first nights. I gave a bit of my story/testimony/how God has been woking in my life. Afterwards, one of the girl leaders came up to me and gave me a huge hug and thanked me for telling my story. It was unexpected but warmed my heart
2. Another surprise was a new friend I made. I didn't really know this person before I came out, but only knew of them. They were (and still are) older than me but I felt intimidated by them. However it was great getting to know them better this summer and I feel like after camp that I would definitely call them my friend. I made lots of new friends this summer (not that it surprises me) and it makes me happy to know that there are people out there who want to be friends with me too... that it's not just a one way relationship.
3. I was also surprised with my health. Every week we as a staff wrote down our prayer requests and then picked someone else's from a hat and we prayed for them that week. Every week I wrote down "pray for good health!" Every time I chuckled too, because according to my diagnosis I do have MS which wouldn't be considered good health.. but that wasn't what I meant. I didn't want to get even more sick over the summer. And I did not. No cold, no flu, not a thing. It was great.
4. Another surprise I got near the end of the summer when a friend from high school, whom I love dearly officially confirmed that she was moving to Prince George for the year. This was one of the greatest surprises of the summer. Many of my friends from town have moved away, or are new friends who live in other towns, so to know my good friend is going to be here for the whole year gives me great joy.

-taking pictures and making videos for the kids every week.
-spending the weekend in PG with some lovely girls form Northern Ireland
-picnicking with chinese food, laughing and hanging out way too late that night
-staff break to Terrace and Smithers
-going hiking, riding chair lifts, pancake breakfast in the middle of town, camping
-going on hikes and being able to see clearly on one of the hottest days of the summer, despite having MS!
-hiking up Mt. Pope with lovely ladies--good bant!
-hiking down was alright as well, my body was just falling apart (not MS

-spending time on the floating dock with a good friend
-kayaking on the lake and down the Nechako River

-spray painting the ROCK....hmmm
-having mud fights
-I would say having the 'hottest wings ever', but I actually just watched other people eat them.
-driving; I did a lot of driving this summer, I really enjoyed every minute of it. Whether it was with people, or on my own. Pumping music in my car while I am alone is still one of my top fav 5 things to do these days

-spending two free times belaying campers (made me really miss being a cabin leader, but made my week)
-rooming with my 'bestie' all summer
-chatting with people who came through my office
-spending an afternoon on the trampoline one weekend with some lovely kiddies playing 'Ring Around the Rosie'

-making a new friend on the big pillow at the start of summer, talking about camp, life, school, boys
-feeling like I was an important piece of something bigger than myself
-having people around me who would tease me about my MS (which I do encourage I do it and don't worry I wont cry) "How many fingers Kate?" "Need to go to Spec Savers?" And more.. but those were the most commonly used phrases.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and your prayers for me this summer.. it is greatly appreciated. I hope you all had a great summer as well.
Have a good night.
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