First, I have come to really appreciate reflection times on decisions, illnesses, school, life, camp etc. I love being able to talk about these things and have logical thoughts about them. (Vague, yes I know.. but thats ok)
Secondly, there are many things that I am excited about that are coming up that I know about and things that I do not know about, but want to do.
I don't think I have ever officially made a bucket list... but I've always liked the idea of them. I think the problem is for me is that when I get to actually writing these "hopes and dream' down it either seems silly, or I just never have a big enough list to actually make it worth it.

I have seen them once. I was on the out skirts of town with some friends and on our way back into town this is what we saw. However one day I will see them again...hopefully.
2. Take a StarTrail picture.
3. Go to South Korea-- My great aunt once worked in a hospital in South Korea; I would love to go back and work in that hospital
4. Visit/work in the orphanage that my other great aunt worked founded and worked at in India
5. Become a RN
6. Work on a MercyShip-- a portable hospital that gives healthcare to those who are not able to get the care they need. I would love to be able to give my skills as a nurse to those who need it.
7. Go back to the UK, spend more time in London and also visit friends in NorthernIreland
8. See someone be healed from an illness; wheather it be me or someone else. I would love that!
9. Get married
10. Sleep outside one night (camping) at least once during every season. This would come down to sleeping outside at least 4 times a year. {this idea comes from a long time ago when my friend and I decided we would do this once a night throughout the year-the coldest -22}
This list will grow, this list will change and I will complete some things but I will have a great time doing it!
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