Sunday, 29 May 2016


Kate: "Here Karl, you take my phone for the day and check my email while I'm at my course. Don't tell me either way if I pass or not."
Karl: "Not sure this is a good idea."

After 8 hours taking a course while being throughly distracted about getting my test results Karl came  and picked Jim and I up.
He looked at us asked how our day was...

(Little more background, after finishing my NCLEX exam there was a without a doubt in my mind that I had failed. I hadn't told everyone that I HAD failed. But that I was pretty sure I had failed. So at this point I had already made up my mind on how my next few weeks were going to play out. Study for another 6 weeks and go write again)

At that point I replied with "Well, kinda sucked, long, stressful. I failed didn't I?"
Karl jsut replied with, "How'd you know?!"
"You're face, right there just told me. Perfect. Ok let's go."

As we walked out to the truck Karl just put his arm around me and said nothing. We got to the truck and opened up the back door looked at me and said with balloons trying to escape put the door,
"So, I know today's been rough. And I jsut wanted to get you some calming bath sruff, candles..... (Long pause) BECAUSE YOU PASSED!!"
In initial response was "No I didn't. There's no way I passed. I didn't pass."
"No seriously Kate, you passed. You're a Real Noob now. You passed the exam!"

At that point Jim jumped out of the truck he also looked shocked. Came round the other side to where Karl and I were standing..

Once I started to believe him and figured this was either the most cruel joke in the world or I had actually passed. I burst into sobbing tears, Karl put the email in front of my face and there it was.

...still took me a few days to believe it

But it's done and I am so thankful for that.

K. Goertzen RN