So I've been doing lots of travelling since I last posted. Lots of things have changed in my life. I am feeling like I'm in limbo.
End of June I took a trip to the Yukon. Which has always been a dream of mine. I had a blast! My roommate and I explored, drove TONS! It is a decent trek from Fort Nelson. But the trip started out fantastic.
Driving through the Northern Rockies this is what we encountered... Driving through a rain storm into a sunset and this is what you get!
After we got to Whitehorse we camped along the Yukon River.
It was a very neat trip. I then joined my roommate to keep him company on his drive/move to Manitoba. New experience for me again. Never driven past Edmonton, AB. Very prairie like. Flat. Canola fields. NO MOUNTAINS. Which is not a world I would like to live in.
After that I flew Vancouver for an MS appointment. Eventually back to Fort Nelson, worked a set. Packed up my life into a small UHaul trailer, hooked it up to my 4Runner. And spent the next 4 days driving down to Abbotsford to move in with my parents.
However, I did get to drive the Cassiar Highway. Which I hear is beautiful. I couldn't tell you, it rained the ENTIRE way! Socked in, couldn't see more than the bottom 200 feet of the mountains.
Just rain and fog.
I then got to Abbotsford, unpacked, repacked my car and went on a road trip to Vancouver Island with a great friend. We unfortunately didn't make the connection to our trip and August long weekend. Which if you didn't know, means there are ZERO campsites available. Which meant roadside camping in the back of my 4Runner. Which is great btw.
The island is beautiful, but not a place I would like to live.
So after that, I believe it has been about 12,000km in the last 2.5 months driven. It was my sisters wedding. Which was beautiful and a very nice day.
Aren't they cute?
On a side note, I gave a fantastic speech, got lots of laughs and did have a lovely time dancing with family and friends at the end of the night.
As for my life at the moment?
I'm kinda stuck in between worlds... looking for jobs, applied, had an interview, but waiting for them to call me back. It's a really awful feeling actually. I don't like waiting much. Especially waiting on jobs as I continue to spend more and more money. Its a terrible balance. ;)
As for health?
I've been doing alright. You would like with nothing going on in my life now I would have less stress.. but its creeping up nicely these days as I wait for a job. But until then I guess all I can continue to do is play and have as much fun as I can...
Like go exploring more...hang out with friends, go hiking. Oh yeah, and MOVE TO HOPE, BC.
I guess I can move out of the north. But good luck getting me out of a small town...