Thursday, 30 October 2014

Update: What have I been doing?

Well hello. I am sorry for those who read my last post and I said I would post part 2. I did write some of it. But then got busy and forgot. 

But I did want to give a bit of an update. Right now I am sitting in Fort St. James, BC watching the beautiful sunset. For the past 2 weeks I have been working at the 'hospital' here. It has been such a good opportunity to see many different things already. From heart attacks to a baby being born. Kind of cool. Super hard. But overall alright. 

For those who have been keeping tabs, I also started that new drug a few weeks ago. Many people keep asking me how its going and if I've noticed a difference. Unfortunately I can't say I have. No changes in my fatigue (which would be amazing if it affected it), numbness, vision problems or anything really. Sorry to say. I wish I had better news to report. But hey, maybe it will take more time to kick in, I don't really know. But I'll keep you updated. 

Hmm... what else have I been up to? 

Well, photography has kept me a little busy. Engagement shoots, driving to Fort shoots, and more. 

Ever wondered what would happen if you lit steel wool on fire? 

And then spun it around like a crazy person with a long exposure? Well this is what happens. 

Sunrise on my way home from FSJ

Sunrise and Fog. Could it get better? Nope!

My sunset tonight. 

These two. Second engagement session this wall. Their wedding in the spring! I'm excited.

My favourite place. Cottonwood. These two made it better! 

Well off to my third set tomorrow. Hit up ---------->>>>>>>>> (over there) for some prayer requests.



Monday, 22 September 2014

Here's to a New Chapter...

747 days ago I was sitting in the same hospital with my parents, not sure if I had a choice to cry, laugh, or just sit there in disbelief. As the words came out of his mouth, my suspicions were confirmed, "You, without a shadow of a doubt have Multiple Sclerosis."

Looking at him with his funny glasses, after all these silly tests and questions he had asked me for what felt like the dozen-th time I felt a sense of peace. A sense of clarity washed over me. No more weird unexplained symptoms. I had the answer. I had multiple sclerosis.

Without a doubt.

I don't remember every moment of that day, but I remember most of the time after I walked into the hospital. I remember trying to figure out where the MS clinic was and navigating a strange hospital. I remember sitting in the waiting room watching the many different people walk in and out of the hallway, some with their canes because MS had affected their eyes to the point where they couldn't see. Or their loved ones wheeled them down the hallway because MS had affected their ability to walk.

At that point I still felt like I didn't have a hope to live a what I would call a "normal life".

But then the doctor came back into the room and to tell me there was hope. His face lit up as he said, "This drug is going to knock the socks off MS."

As he handed me a stack of papers, he tole me and my parents we should read through them, and if I said yes to being a part of his clinical trial, he would put me to the top of his list and I would start by the end of the month.

I remember leaving that room and the nurse asked, "So, what did he say?" I replied naively, "He said he would put me to the top of the wait list and I would start the trial by the end of the month."
She looked at me in shock and said, "Okay."

At that point I didn't know that the wait list was at least a year and even then, it was unlikely to get to be apart of the study.

What else I didn't know was how my life would change in two years...

I didn't know how much MS would affect my life.
I didn't know how hard it would be to live with MS. 

I didn't know how much love and support I would receive from my friends and family.
I didn't know how much I would learn and grow.
I didn't know that in two years I would say, "You know, I wouldn't  give back what I've learned, how much I've grown, or the challenges I've faced for the 'normal life' that I thought I'd lost"

Today it's back to the UbC hospital for my first "knock the socks" off MS drug infusion. It's still going to be a while before I feel the effects of the drug and will potentially start to feel "normal" ...or at least what I remember to be 'normal'.

I am excited. But also prepared that there is a slim chance it won't do anything for me at all. I'm ok with that too, and ready to take on this next stage of life.

So thanks guys for keeping me in your prayers, thoughts and lives.

I will continue to keep you updated.

(Stay tuned for Pt. 2 in two weeks when I come back down for my second half of my first dose!)


Saturday, 6 September 2014

TWO Years and Counting...

It's official. I have had MS for the past 2 years, as of September 5, 2012.

To some it has flown by. For myself? I can't say I agree.
It has been a long two years and so much has changed. I have changed so much. Learned more about myself that I ever may have wanted to and or thought I could.
Looking back it's been good, summers have been great and a sweet way to break up the year. The people I have met, especially this summer, and old friends I have gotten to know better has been really sweet and encouraging. They are relationships I would like to continue on with for sure!

Well... what is new with me? 
Yesterday I had my last first day of classes ever! That is definitely exciting.
I am doing my placement this semester in Fort St. James in Northern BC. I am really excited to get out of PG for a bit and experience a new hospital.

Things I have learned in the past TWO years:

1.  I have learned perseverance by finishing 3 years of nursing, especially with many points where I did not think I'd make it through.  

2.  I have learned independence by moving out officially on my own! (with friends.) 

3.  I have experienced much more of the world, travelling to London twice as well as Northern Ireland. 

5.  I have felt valued while working as the photographer/videographer for Echo Lake Bible Camp.

6.  I have  battled MS on a daily basis and so far have come out on top. 

7.  I have practiced counting it all joy when faced with trails of many kinds. 

8.  I have done my best to remind my self that I have to live life one day at a time and live it to the full. For me this means doing things like learning to Fox Trot, throwing around a baseball with friends until I cannot see the ball anymore, exploring train tracks, playing on bridges in the fog, sharing hidden secrets of Prince George with friends, and going for runs at 9:30 at night with my roommate.

9.  I have learned to not take life so seriously and to laugh always.

10. I have learned that crying and feeling sorry for myself is a waste of energy that is better spent being productive, sleeping, exercising etc.

And what is coming down the pipe for me? 

Well, on September 22 I head back down to Vancouver for my third trip this month and to START THE GOOD DRUG!!! I don't know if you understand how excited I am about this - I have heard some amazing things about this drug and my neurologist talks so highly of it. I have a friend who started back in April and she told me the other day how she worked 8 hours, worked out, did yoga, made dinner and at home in the evening and wasn't even tired. Things like that make me cry when I think about it.

However, as excited as I am about this new drug I also am not putting ALL of my hope in it, as there is a chance it might not help. All I can do is wait and see, right?

As I have said to some people before, looking back I am so happy to see how far I have come. I am not saying its been easy, but I will say I've had good days and bad days. I do my best to make the good days out-weigh the bad ones, but sometimes I need to take a break and reflect on the good/great things in my life.

I am so thankful for the things God has taught me over the past while, depending on Him, living life the way He wants me to, and counting it all joy. I am unbelievably thankful for those around me who have supported me in my journey with MS. Having people trust in me helps me remember that I can do succeed in life and that I don't have to be run by MS.

So thank you, for continuing to read my blog, pray for me, think of me, support me as I continue to navigate these foreign waters.

Love, Kate



 Leaving for London the first time!

I love these two! Always up for the bant

         ....when you have moments like this.            Steroids...not always my favourite.

If I could live in mud I would. 

 This is what made some early mornings this past year worth it

Sista Time! Waiting on the parents...

Spent a weekend this summer at the base of Mt. Robson. 

I LOVE adventures... this one was a highlight of the summer. 

I know its good when I get this reaction from Tim.
3 inches away from highway traffic flying above our heads

 Mt. Robson- Kinney Lake

Glaciers are always a neat thing to explore. 

Northern Ireland Adventures
Heel clicks--always a classic. 

I was constantly blown away by the scenery in NI. This place was one of my favourites. 

Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

Worked on star trails this summer. 

Double Barrel 20G shotgun. I actually hit my target... in thet air!

 Friends, lakes, rivers, creeks, forests, inukshuks, hanging out on the beach...
 I wouldn't give back these moments for anything! 

Sometimes I just like being 10. With a bear towel! 
The last night of camp this summer: took advantage of a clear, cold (-2), frosty-sleeping-bag kind of night.
The view in the morning was incredible, as you can see. 

Highlights of 2012-2014

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Quick Update_Summer 2k14

Well, this has been a fantastic summer so far. I have been what feels like everywhere. From the north coast having dinner at the most well like restaurant, The Ramore to standing in the same rooms that Winston Churchill spent most I his time fighting the war. From there admiring Big Ben to spending a weekend at the base of the Rockies near Jasper. It has been amazing.
I also have been spending the majority of my summer doing what I absolutely love which is taking pictures and making DVDs for kids at camp.

Again this summer I am working at a Bible camp called Echo Lake Bible Camp. It is west of Prince George about an hour and a half. It's been so good. Many of he staff have returned from last summer and brought more friends with them.

My aunt the other day was asking if I was going I send out support letters this summer, and unfortunately I did not have the time to do so. However I will update this a bit more and would love to put up some prayer requests and if you would like to support me in prayer or financially both would be greatly appreciated.

Prayer Requests:

1. Fatigue continues to be a struggle especially when at camp and my brain does have to be working all day thinking about what's next to take pictures of to how am I going to put the video together. I still aim for bed at about 8:30 which does help.

2. To sleep well. I have been sleeping great this past week but it seems to come in phases. When I nee the sleep the most it feels like it's more of a struggle.

3. Getting my mind back in the thing for uni. I am getting a bit stressed out and really not looking forward to going back to uni. As well as not knowing what the end of my fourth year is going to look like. Just scary.

4. As August finishes it bringing me to my two year mark on my clinical trial for my MS drugs. Which means that I get switched over to the real and very good drug. It is very exciting. However it also means that I have to fly to Vancouver lots which is not ideals, especially during uni. So prayer that the instructors who'll be understanding and helping as it takes about a month with 4 trips to fully switch over.

Well thank you so much for taking the time to read this and pray for me for the remaining of the summer.

If you also would like to help support me financially the address for echo lake is:
Echo Lake Bible CampBox 137
Fort St. James BC
V0J 1P0

Have a great summer!! 

xx Kate

Friday, 6 June 2014

But I Don't Wanna....

"But I don't want to be side awake at 5am" She said to herself as she looked at the clock thinking it HAD to be later than 5am.

Oh well, I guess it means I can be productive and then maybe go take a nap in the sun later today.
Wow what a month may was. Getting up at 5 was a normal occurrence and then heading off to work at 6. It was great, I was able to met a bunch of great nurses and watch some super cool surgeries and increase my 'wit'/cheeky response time immensely.

However, as great at this past month was the next 3 are looking to be quite class!

June 6-7: Finish my steroid rounds. (not the best of times, but it will be good in the long run)
June 7: Fly out to Vancouver for adventures

June 11-15: Spend time with family, friends, head up the sunshine coast, go to doctors appointments, possibly head to Vernon.

JUNE 16: Fly fly fly and fly to London, Engl. SO excited! Spend some time with my aunt and uncle and attempt to do my best to get over jet-lag as soon as possible.
June 18: Quick flight to Northern Ireland. Here's hoping that I am somewhat capable at that point of getting to the airports on my own in London. Honestly, somewhat nervous about it, but should be ok.
June 25 - July 3: Come back to London, spend time with family and hitting up as many museums and landmarks as possible.  Highlight: Going to a wedding. But not just any wedding. My cousins wedding. 

The rest of the summer will be camp. Echo Lake Bible Camp. It will be so nice to be able to just hand out with friends. Work with kids. Most of all making videos each week for the kidletts. I am really just looking forward to not having responsibility, homework, tests and everything school related awful!

Highlights of Third Year

Fall Fog Adventures

I loved spending study breaks hanging out along the river with all of the beautiful fog.


Stayed creative with maternity projects


Had some doctors appointments down at UBC MS Clinic. Always nice to get out of the snow in PG. 
These always made for an interesting day. 

Hung out with my wonderful friend Katie. 

Spent time with my 'pups'. Adventures. Adventures. Adventures with 2 kiddies.  
This became known as a 'Kater Duckie"

Played with the worms. Her brother dried all of his out in a bucket. 

We went camping and it WASN"T -25 below 0!  Who knew it could be so wonderful!

Got infested with ants. 

Had many an early morning this past month.
But the fog, again, was worth it! Always great!

Well a touch of my year. Love parts of it. Detested other parts. But I made it through. Passed everything and had a great last placement! 

Thanks for checking in. Will update you guys later this month!
