Wednesday, 26 June 2013


So as I am sitting here thinking about this past week, getting home from England, driving 8 hrs to get to Prince George, hanging out with a few friends. I am trying to keep myself from falling asleep. I really do want to get up right now go downstairs and socialize with my family. It is dawning on me that I need to pace myself in my day. Because when I don't sleep well and I am busy from 0800-2000hrs then I am wiped.

I am truly hoping that my summer will be relaxing but a few of my prayer requests are:

1. Being able to focus on myself and learn to not drain myself or waste 'spoons' during my day. Whether I am at camp, home, or hanging out with friends. I think I will have to learn to be diligent in not over working myself.

2. But with that said I will need energy this summer, to do my job and just to live. I will need that and prayer for good sleeps. Which is so important for me. I could take sleeping drugs, but those aren't great to depend on either.

3. I am also praying that God will help provide me with the financial need that I have this summer and for school next year. I am so thankful that I have been supported by family to take the summer off and do something a little more relaxing.

Thank you so much guys, for your prayers and continued thoughts. I appreciate it so much.


I also would like to put my support letter in a PDF format again in case you missed it the first time and would be willing or would like to support me this summer finincially and espeically in prayer.

1. Camp's Support Letter

2. Kate's Support Letter

Sunday, 23 June 2013

This World Fails_Guaranteed

So I got home from London 2 or 3 days ago.. I don't remember, weird time change stuff. But it was a great trip! I loved every part of it. We went to Italy, and a few different towns in the north. It was great! Travelled around London, went to many tourist spots and went to different castles, boated down some rivers, went and saw two plays. It was quite great! Here are some of my favorite pics.

Listen to this song as you scroll down the page: Click Here and Listen

Yesterday I was driving home from meeting with a wonderful friend in Abbotsford. I love this girl so much. She brings me such joy. Our times together are few and spread apart over a lot of time. But she encourages me so much. I love her taking advice from her and learning together. She always seems to have such great insight and it is so encouraging. 

As I was driving home I turned up my music just like I LOVE to do these days. It's fun to be able to just block out the world for a few minutes while I am in my car bubble. However its a real bummer when there isn't any good music on the radio. But as I was switching through I got to the Christian Station and the song that was playing was "One Thing Remains". I love that song so much. But as I was driving home singing, listening to the lyrics it really hit me.. again. That God's love doesn't fail, ever! and it never will. It was a great comforting thought.

Everything in this world FAILS: everything, that is our 100% guarantee of this world. Everyone, everything dies, everything 'moves on'. Nothing is the same forever. People fail, in thoughts, words, actions. No matter what. Nothing on this earth is perfect. It was an eye opener for my yesterday when I just came to this overwhelming realization that God doesn't fail. He is and always will be the ONE  constant in my life. No hurt will come from Him, no pain. He wants what's best for me, He wants good, and pure, and right, and 'forever' things for me. I just had a great sense of JOY when I came to that yesterday.

This world, this hurt, this pain, these short lived times of joy or happiness are not forever. NONE of it is... this world will end, we will end. Inevitably we will fail and there is nothing we can do about it. But there is grace and mercy that Jesus provides in this world. He will give us the joy, the truth that we need to survive in this failing world. He will sustain every part of us.
This is something I want to learn to accept daily. To turn to Him when I am hurt, in pain, fatigued/exhausted, frustrated  dismayed. I want to learn better to come to God in those moments of trials/tribulations/good times and bad. 

Yesterday my friend challenged me in that again. I challenge I want to accept...again. 
And remember WHO doesn't fail in my life. God: the One and Only. 

"Overwhelms and satisfies my soul. 
I never ever have to be afraid"

Now that I may have gotten your attention I could change my blog title to "Your Love Never Fails" 
but at this point I won't. : )

Thanks for reading whats on my heart today!
